"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy Come and see what we can offer.

Eco Council

Our Eco Committee for this year. 
The Eco Committee made bird feeders using bird seed and lard. They then put these up around the park. This links in to our theme BIODIVERSITY and SCHOOL GROUNDS.
Sycamore class and the KS2 Eco committee did an amazing job weeding the beds by the Village Hall with the help of Angela from Food for Thought. We’ll be ready to plant soon. We were so impressed with how much the children got done in just 2 x 40 minute slots. Excellent work everyone!
Eco Committee 2023-2024
Eco Committee 2022 - 2023
The Eco Committee have decided to work on these 3 areas this year:
  • biodiversity
  • school grounds
  • marine
Planting bulbs linking to our SCHOOL GROUNDS theme.
Planet and People workshop linking to our theme of SCHOOL GROUNDS.
Last week, the whole school took part in a Planet Action Workshop which looked at how the natural world impacts our minds. In the classroom, the children looked at a scientific study which showed the value of time spent outside for boosting problem solving and other thinking skills. They then took part in an experiment to see how their ability to concentrate changed with different background noises. They then spent lots of time outside making up activities and games designed to address specific wellbeing challenges that they might face such as making friends, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed.

Oak class live lessons, learning about the effect of climate change on the oceans linking in with our MARINE theme.
Sycamore class had an inspiring live lesson with 'the 3 engineers'. The highlight was the live reading of their book: The Adventures of Scout, Stop dropping litter. This fitted in perfectly with our MARINE theme.
The Eco Committee spent time yesterday afternoon joining in the RSPB Big Bird watch. They saw lots of different birds including these - wood pigeons, blackbirds, sparrows, a starling, magpies, blue tits, robins, chaffinches and a great tit. Excellent bird spotting Eco Group!
Litter pick near the village hall.
KS2 members of Eco Committee delivered a fantastic assembly to the rest of the school about problem plastics, especially single use plastics. They also explained the importance of the ocean and the problems that plastic can cause to marine life. Well done Eco Committee!
The children worked hard digging and weeding to prepare the ground for planting vegetables and wildflowers. 
Sycamore Class have created some amazing poems about problem plastics and palm oil.