"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy Come and see what we can offer.


PTFA meeting, Thursday 6th February, 7.30-9.30pm, Sneydhurst

Our next PTFA meeting is on Thursday 6th February at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to join. We’d love to see some new faces.

We use these meetings to discuss ideas for activities and events - these can be fundraisers but also things we think the kids will enjoy. Past activities include a Colour Run, Easter Egg hunt, Movie Night, Glow in the Dark Dodgeball, mufti days and bake sales. If there’s something you’d like to see happen, please come along and contribute ideas. A massive advantage of being part of such a small school community is that you can really make a difference to the experience our children have at school and the memories that they take with them.

We also discuss opportunities for investment and this time, we are hoping to look at ideas for updating the playground and some grants we can apply for.

If you have any questions at all, please speak to one of our current Committee - Jess, Simon, Gemma, Becky Wright and Julia.

Thanks so much for your support.


Easy Fundraising

Please join EasyFundraising...

We are a member of Easyfundraising - they give a donation to the PTFA each time you shop online from over 7000 different companies including Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Argos, M&S, ebay, booking.com and many more.

You just need to follow the link below to register. It will offer you a pop up - if you say yes, each time you go to a site that offers a donation, it will notify you. The donation does not cost you anything.

Each donation may be small but at the moment, with very few of us using it, we are raising about £25 a month. If we all do our Christmas shopping via Easyfundraising, we should be able to make a really good amount for the school.

You can also pass the link on to friends and family and get them all donating whilst they shop!

This is the link: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/support-a-good-cause/step-1/?char=24268&invite=igen0c&referral-campaign=s2s&utm_source=raisemore

Thanks so much.