"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy Come and see what we can offer.

Oak Class 2024-25

Welcome to Oak Class

This is where the journey through Broadhempston reaches its finale. In this class, our aim is to equip the children with the skills they need to succeed as they take those first steps away from Broadhempston onto the next part of their educational journey. There is lots of work to be done but lots of fun to be had too! The class is taught by Miss Heike supported by Mr Tanner on a Tuesday afternoon and Miss Steer throughout the week. We are all looking forward to an exciting year including a residential and lots of adventures and opportunities along the way.
What a fantastic couple of days we have had in Oak class. Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to. It’s been a real mix of reading, spelling, letter writing, maths, history, art and crafts. We have had upset household items writing letters of complaint, readings of both classic and modern fiction and designs of our school learning powers mascots. There are so many reasons to be thankful for one another as we come together as a team.
While Oak Class parents were meeting with Miss Heike this afternoon, the children visited Birch Class to spend some time with their buddies, old and new, and enjoy a story or two together.
On Friday in Art, Oak class took a wander through Broadhempston Churchyard. We are studying the famous textiles designer William Morris and used our viewfinders and Ipads to capture some natural inspiration. We then came back to the classroom and sketched what we found, before using the photocopier to replicate our designs and create a pattern.
We have been working scientifically, as we explore the difference between mass and weight. We used the Newton metres to measure the force on a variety of classroom objects. We recorded our findings in a table and found links between the weight and mass of an object. We then wrote up our results and considered any variables, which may have affected the accuracy of our results.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Macmillan Coffee Morning of the year! Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise over £120 for this worthy cause, which affects every one of us. It was lovely to see the children attend to their family and friends and see so many of you turn out to support our school. The cakes were absolutely delicious as you can see; thank you for your kind contributions. Birch class made some fantastic fruity flapjacks too. We are looking forward to our next charity event. Love from Oak Class x
We are always proud of the sportsmanship shown by our lovely Broadhempston students when we get together with the other Link Academy schools. Today we went to Stover school for our annual cross-country event! Everyone tried their best with a smile on their faces and although the competition was fierce, the resilience shown by all was outstanding.
The children's author Simon James seriously inspired Oak class, who created their own children's stories and covers, following his visit. The children had the freedom to write about whatever they wanted and we have seen a beautiful range of stories and illustrations consequently! A few of the children even shared their stories with Birch class today, who thought they were "amazing." Super work as always and a big well done to the artistic and imaginative Oak students!
Last week Oak class were lucky enough to attend a printing workshop with the lovely local artist, Courtney Arnold. We used the famous textiles designer Orla Kiely as inspiration for our nature themed patterns, carving out simple designs on lino before printing onto paper with a variety of bold colours. This was a huge success and allowed our students to experiment with a new medium in Art, ink!
Oak class have been experimenting with air resistance in Science. We made some spinners from paper and experimented with a range of variables, such as: the size of the paper used, adding a paper clip or trimming the wings. This allowed us to work as a team, log our results in a table, exercise our maths skills and draw a conclusion. We discovered that air resistance affects gravity due to the surface area of an object and its weight! Super job Oak!
This week marks the end of our Squashed Tomato Challenge in Oak class. We have been designing ways to help farmers in Nepal transport tomatoes down the mountain. This allowed the children to practise a variety of skills across the curriculum (Geography, IT, DT and Maths to name a few) and it yielded some excellent results. Well done Oak class, we loved hearing your ideas on sustainability and welfare.
Day 1 of Bikeability for our Year 6 students kicked off today with plenty of smiles and laughter. Our students will enjoy four days of fun, as they follow the national cycle training programme, which includes practical skills and understanding about cycling on today’s roads. Well done Oak class!
Today, we took an enthralling trip back in time to the Victorian village, Morwellham Quay. Our 5/6 students enjoyed a fully interactive experience extracting copper with iron tools. The students toiled for all of 10 minutes, as opposed to the 11 hour days endured by the Victorian children! We even experienced a traditional Victorian classroom, where our: handwriting, behaviour and posture were scrutinised by the '14 year old' teacher! The children loved trying out the slate boards and waited in anticipation for dunce hats to be given out! We finished off with a trip through the George and Charlotte Mine, with a lights out highlight, which thrilled all! Thank you to our wonderful PTFA for subsidising this educational and entertaining trip! Super job Oak, your enthusiasm was infectious as always!
Oak Class have been studying The Borrowers in Guided Reading. Here you can see our students confidently sharing their knowledge of the text in a mini presentation. They have been working on a variety of skills, retrieving evidence from the text and explaining the meaning in their own words. Super job Oak!
Oak class enjoyed their day in the woods. They whittled Christmas trees, built dens, made baked chocolate bananas, warmed up with some hot chocolate and even created their own Christmas wreaths.
Festive fish no less over here at Oak class. Design Technology has been going swimmingly, as we design and make stuffed toys, using a variety of sewing techniques to assemble and embellish our fish. Have an eely good weekend all!
Oak class have been learning all about blood today in Science! First, we studied the components: plasma, platelets, red and white blood cells. Next, we learned about blood types, before designing and creating a "blood transfusion" smoothie. It turns out pineapple juice makes the perfect plasma with its straw-like colour! The blood was then labelled up and downed by the recipient. Well done Oak, you have earned an ... A+ from Miss Heike!
Today in Oak class, we have been evaluating and replicating the works of: Turner, Matisse, Monet and Van Gogh to name a few, in our study of Landscape art. This took tremendous concentration, perseverance and skill. Super effort everyone!
Oak Class have been learning about Motte and Bailey Castles in History today. We looked at the features of a Motte and Bailey castle and created a series of fact cards to quiz one another about their advancement, (as the wooden structures were replaced with stone). We combined a variety of skills, including: research, speaking and listening, map work, as well as sketching the first stone Norman castle, The Tower of London.
Oak class have been learning about the functions of the human heart today in Science. We first learned about the way the heart works, before exploring the impact of age, gender, exercise and animal size in terms of beats per minute (BPM). We finished up by creating and labelling our own model of the human heart from clay. Here are the results!
We made the most of the sunny weather today by taking our Science lesson outside. Oak class recreated the circulatory system on the playground, showing the path of the oxygenated blood to our organs. It was lovely to see the whole class work together as one, in order to successfully pump the blood around the body. We then came back to the classroom to measure and record our BPM!
We have been enjoying the benefits of a dance a day and have been dabbling in art therapy, through non verbal conversation in pictures and painting our happy place! Can you spot Dartington Hall in these pictures?!
Oak class enjoyed a wonderful day of forest school, packed with activities and play. We started off by whittling butter knives and spatulas. We then made and fried our own sweetcorn fritters. There was seed bomb making (combining wild flower seeds and clay) and plenty of outdoor games, working together as a team to 'Capture the Flag!' Super job Oak class; what a lovely day in the woods!
Today Oak class have been recreating the movements of hares and other characters in their workshop with MED Theatre. This allowed the children to authentically capture the witch, who shapeshifts into a hare and puzzles the entire town of Tavistock! They put together a series of freeze frames to assist parts of the story and bring to life the Dartmoor legend! This was performed to the other classes, who also showcased their superb acting skills from their own sessions.
Oak class had a great time assembling and decorating motor operated robots for Science Week! We had a visit from Devon Science • STEM edutainment who taught us how to bring recycled objects to life! We love Tiny the Turtle, who is made from egg boxes!
This week in our Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) lesson, Oak have been developing their understanding of how to stay healthy. We started off with a group carousel, capturing our ideas about our emotional and physical wellbeing, before moving into some role play. The children acted out a range of scenarios where drugs might impact their lives negatively and found a solution together!